Join Gena Philibert-Ortega, MA, MAR in her course during SLIG Spring Virtual 2025. There’s no doubt that researching female ancestors can be difficult. The records genealogist’s use doesn’t always include women by name. Women’s marital name changes coupled with the fact that women’s historical legal rights precluded them from activities that leave a record trail, make finding […]
Join Kimberly T. Powell and Gerald H. Smith, CG in their course during SLIG Spring Virtual 2025. Understanding the physical and social landscapes where our ancestors lived can be crucial to solving problems of identity, kinship, and origin. This hands-on, advanced course, for students with experience in land records and platting, offers critical skills and practical […]
The Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy wishes to congratulate Candace Marx, this year’s recipient of the SLIG First-Time Institute Attendee Scholarship! Candace is the owner of Timeless Treasure Genealogy. She earned a Certificate in Genealogical Research from Boston University and is an alumnus of the ProGen Study Groups program. She is a member of […]
Registration for SLIG 2025 will open on June 22, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. MDT. Registration for SLIG Spring Virtual 2025 will open on June 22, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. MDT. If you don’t already have an account with our registration system, please create one BEFORE registration opens on June 22. We recommend doing this at least 24 hours before […]
Join Paul K. Graham, CG, AG in his course during SLIG 2025. Students in Advanced Genealogical Methods will learn how to assemble and use evidence to rediscover ancestral origins, identities, and relationships that have been forgotten over the passage of time. The course will address advanced use of evidence derived from a variety of genealogical sources and […]
Join Craig Roberts Scott, MA, CG, FUGA in his course during SLIG 2025. Experience the power of having your own personal guide for an entire week as you research both online and in the Family History Library. Students will review progress and findings in regular group meetings and one-on-one consultations throughout the week as they work […]
Join Karen Stanbary, LCSW, AM, CG, CGG in her course during SLIG 2025. This course is designed to deconstruct and study researcher decisions, strategies, and methodologies employed in the correlation of documentary and genetic evidence to establish proven genealogical conclusions. Examples include NEW case studies suitable for publication, research reports, and proof summaries/arguments useful in a […]
Join Gary Ball-Kilbourne, MDiv, PhD, CG, CGL in his course during SLIG 2025. Genealogists constantly face ethical questions. This course is designed to enable genealogists first to identify those questions and then to reflect intentionally for the purpose of acting professionally and ethically when encountering such questions. Participants will consider several areas of ethical concern for […]
Join Gena Philibert-Ortega, MA, MAR in her course during SLIG 2025. Genealogy’s history is rooted in those wishing to trace their family back in time to ancestors whose accomplishments seemed more remarkable than their own. Over time, genealogical repositories have boasted books and periodicals and special, archival, and museum collections that attempt to capture more than […]
Join Judy G. Russell, JD, CG, CGL in her course during SLIG 2025. This course offers students an opportunity for a deeper understanding of the rich research resources of the law, including those generally available only at law libraries. Students will work with legal records and sources, gaining a better grasp of legal history and […]